[HideColumn 79,80,81] [UploadBox f2277 eisvZXpTaTN3SVl1OEh6MWZiODl4dz09] [UploadBox f2278 WnlMRXdsMi9OMXM1dEk0K1gyUGRGQT09] [HideField f2282,f2283,f2284,f2285,f2633,f2634] [Calc $Q1='Please share how you personally relate to Urban Adamah’s mission and why you want to work at Urban Adamah.'] [IfVar $Q1 not ''] [ShowField f2282] [/IfVar] [IfVar $Q1 is ''] [HideColumn 27 in #ocf00e499b6c0] [/IfVar] [Calc $Q2='Please describe your experience(s) working with young people aged 4–15 (grades Pre-K to 10) in a musical and/or artistic setting.'] [IfVar $Q2 not ''] [ShowField f2283] [/IfVar] [Calc $Q3='Please list either or both of the youth programs you are hoping to be considered for. Place a comma between each program if you are interested in multiple programs. (Example: All Year, Retreats)'] [IfVar $Q3 not ''] [ShowField f2284] [/IfVar] [Calc $Q4=''] [IfVar $Q4 not ''] [ShowField f2285] [/IfVar] [Calc $Q5=''] [IfVar $Q5 not ''] [ShowField f2633] [/IfVar] [Calc $Q6=''] [IfVar $Q6 not ''] [ShowField f2634] [/IfVar] [Calc $Type='Standard Job'] [IfVar $Type is 'Camp Job'] [ShowColumn 89] [/IfVar] [Calc $Deadline='September 6, 2024'] [IfVar $Deadline is ''] [HideBlock #oa9c84594b411] [/IfVar] [IfField f2300 is checked] [ShowElement 78] [/IfField] [IfField f2181//f1822 is 'Other'] [ShowElement 24] [/IfField] [Calc $Referral='2'] [IfVar $Referral is '0'] [HideColumn 43 in #ocf00e499b6c0] [/IfVar] [Calc $Referral='2'] [IfVar $Referral is '1'] [HideElement 64,54,55,56,57,58,65,59,60,61,62,63] [/IfVar] [Calc $Referral='2'] [IfVar $Referral is '2' or $Referral is '1'] [HideElement 65,59,60,61,62,63] [/IfVar]
Youth Song Leader & Support Educator Position at Urban Adamah
 Youth Song Leader & Support Educator Application
We are no longer accepting applications for this position